123456789_123456789_1123456789Cylinder Building Software 

Model Description
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS CB 2024.00R

Geometry Model 


CB Models Example 

Model description  




BIM model


Analysis model


Landscape model


ICDAS Basis of Design


Workflow of Software


Additional features


Rendering & Animation


Trial Version




Welcome to ICDAS Add-Ins for automatic creation of 

Cylinder Buildings (CB model).

This section (and sections on the left menu) is a brief

introduction to working with automatic model creation of

Cylinder Buildings. It describes the basic methodology and is

not contained all ICDAS tools and descriptions. All examples

are generic for worldwide use and do not conform to specific

company standards. Refer to a ICDAS licence for more details

on all parameters and guides to your project.


To run CB 2024.00R, you need the following software

installed on your PC/Laptop:


§       ICDAS CB 2024.00R

§       Revit 2024

§       Lusas Bridge 20 (also on previous version)

§       Input file in Excel or NotePad++ (freeware text/code


To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVEyou need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

(or better) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.

CB models are satisfied ICT regulation from The Danish

Building & Property Agency about digital construction using

object-oriented 3D building models and exchanged IFC



CB 2024.00R is a 3D parametric model allowing you to

create cylinder building models for hotel, office,

conference, hospital, exhibition centre and so on.


CB model is built on the three walls A, B and C.

For analysis model by default facade B (outer) and facade

A (inner) are non-structural curtain glass wall. The center

wall C is structural concrete carrying the decks above. The

case large deck area with long cantilever, either pre-

stressing cables are needed in the decks, or some parts

of the facades have to be concrete structural elements.




The walls are located in three circles with the same center. CB model can be simple with 4 walls as a square

building, 8 walls for a octagon building and so on. There are no limit number of walls and number of floors

for ICDAS subscription.


By entering input in Excel or text file and running ICDAS Add-Ins in Revit, you will get 3D CB model in Revit

and a Lusas.cmd file. Import this Lusas.cmd in Lusas, you will get a FEM model automatically.


Automatic 3D Model Creation in Revit

§    All add-ins functions in External Tools shown above.

§    Floor Plans with views for all levels in Project Browser.

§    Dimensions for each view in Floor Plans.

§    All levels in Elevations folder in Project Browser.

§    11 basis sheets for documentations from the 3D model.

Refer to Parametric Buildings for the same new updates.

Automatic 3D FEM Model Creation in Lusas

§    Geometric points, lines, surfaces of the CB as Revit model

§    Detailed shell elements for all walls and floors


Since ICDAS reads the same input to create BIM and FEM models, the users can automate both of models

concurrently, if so desired. Using ICDAS Excel shared input, with a smart agreement between the two users the

working on Revit and Lusas models can be in synchronization. It will save time and eliminate any discrepancy

between drawing and analysis model in a project. 

Landscape Model

Landscape model is in 3ds Max 2021 with Civil 3D and Revit models imported. ICDAS 3ds Max 2021 Manual outlines

step-by-step in ICDAS subscription for this working.


See other links on the left for further details.

Updated 07-08-2023



ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169  