S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Concrete Bridge Software 

Analysis Model
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS COB 2024.00R

Road Bridge Model Examples

Concrete Bridge

Model Examples

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality  

Case study

Trial Version




How to create LUSAS model automatically?

The Lusas model is automated when you import LusasCOB.cmd

in Lusas as shown to the right.


The LusasCOB.cmd file is created/updated automatically every

time you run ICDAS COB addin in Revit. It is stored in working folder C:\ICDAS\ICDAS_BRIDGE.


Set selection Bridge=13 for Concrete Bridge in BRIDGE sheet

Excel file to update the LusasCOB.cmd only. It is the case when

you want to keep Revit model unchanged. Otherwise, set

Bridge=3 for automation of both Revit and LusasCOB.cmd file concurrently. 

There are two main automations for concrete bridge

analysis model:


§      Automatic creation of bridge geometry and FEM

§      Automatic creation of loads and combinations of

      loads on bridge

Automatic creation of bridge geometry and FEM

§    Geometric points, lines, surfaces with dimensions

    of the bridge as designed in Revit model from



Import LusasCOB.cmd from working folder C:\ICDAS\ICDAS_BRIDGE


§    Solid slab deck or box deck girder in 3D shell QTS8/

    QTS4 elements and thicknesses

§    Piers in geometric lines for beam elements


§    Groups of bridge elements on the left and right

    side of STLo overpass.

Automatic creation of loads and combinations of loads, SLS and ULS

§    Lusas interface giver you a user-friendly list of all single load cases where you directly can

    visualize a single load case and the behavior of the bridge subjected to that load case. 

    However, the user need to define and assign loads on bridge from the one to another project.

    Using ICDAS, these works will be done automatically 

§    Lusas interface giver you a user-friendly list of all smart combinations of loads in which you

    directly can modify load factor on a single load case in a combination. However, the user need

    to create these combinations from the one to another project. Using ICDAS, these works will

    be done automatically, in both of SLS and ULS combinations of loads.

§    Load combinations according to Danish Road Directorate April 2015 & Eurocodes, SLS & ULS.

§    Final envelope of SLS Quasi Permanent Load Combinations

§    Final envelope of SLS Frequent Load Combinations


§    Final envelope of SLS Characteristic Load Combinations

   §    Final envelope of ULS Load Combinations

See more about Loads on Bridge described in Arch Bridges.



 Figure: Example of bridge deck deformation due to tandem point load, single load case.


Number of spans?

ICDAS Bridges has no limited number of spans, for both of LUSAS FEM model and Revit geometry model.




Curved corridor of the bridge overpass?

ICDAS COB automates a circular arc alignment overpass STLo by multi straight lines of 1m each, and by a simple input radius RY. The case of complicated curved alignment, coordinates for Lusas points must first be obtained from AutoCAD Civil 3D Points Report (Alignment XY coordinates and elevation Z-levels along the STLo). ICDAS COB in the next version will read these points to create the bridge.

Reinforcement verification in Lusas 16.0-1c1

Figure: 3D view of bridge deck in Lusas automated from ICDAS COB Option1.


Figure: Supplementary reinforcement on selected surfaces (top view) & Lusas RC Slab Design (bottom).


The above figure shows an example of a 4 span bridge (1000, 15000, 15000, 1000)mm in top view.


The boxes (A, 3-6, F) across the deck and the step 1m along the deck allow the users to assign supplementary reinforcement (Supp) individually on selected surfaces in Lusas V16.0-1c1. Example above shows ‘Supp YTop 20p200’

as the deck typically is tensile in cross direction at the selected surfaces. The deck otherwise is reinforced with main reinforcement ‘Main 16p200’ overall, top and bottom.



In Lusas V16.0-1c1 go to Attributes tab > Design > RC Slab Design…, define ‘Main 16p200’ and ‘Supp 20p200’ as described above. Then assign ‘Main 16p200’ to all surfaces, ‘Supp YTop 20p200’ to the above selected surfaces. Once assign, by right-click on e.g. ‘Supp YTop 20p200’ > Select Assignments, the users can easily identify which surfaces on deck have this supplementary reinforcement. It helps the verification work in Lusas, and to model 3D reinforcement in Revit as well.


For the verification work, refer Lusas Online Events minutes 32:15-35.42. 


Prestressing cables?

The cable curves (X,Y,Z) is designed in ICDAS Excel and paste in LUSAS manually.

See example of prestressing cables in 150m length Savstrup double curved bridge deck.




Special case of Lusas model in ICDAS COB

Concrete box
Alternative Text
Figure: LUSAS FEM Deck Box


Figure: ICDAS automatic creation of LUSAS model with prefabricated TT-slab and concrete topping (FEM). 

Refer prefabricated Slab-Beam Bridge for Revit BIM model introducing 10-04-2018.
Updated 20-06-2018


ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   
E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169 