S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Concrete Bridge Software 

Model description
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS COB 2024.00R

Road Bridge Model Examples

Concrete Bridge

Model Example


Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality

Case study









Welcome to ICDAS Add-Ins for automatic creation of Concrete Bridges (COB).

This section and links on the left menu give a brief introduction for working with automatic model creation of Concrete
Bridges. ICDAS creates information model in Revit and analysis model in Lusas by reading Excel input. The Excel file is also an output where data from Revit and Lusas models are written back for further calculations. To work with ICDAS options for Conrete Bridges, the following software are needed:


›  ICDAS COB 2024.00R

›  Revit 2024

›  Dynamo (free in updated Revit)

›  AutoCAD Civil3D 2024

›  Lusas Bridge V20 (also available on previous version)

›  Excel or Text editor (NotePad++ freeware code editor)

To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVEyou need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

(or better) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.


ICDAS Concrete Bridge provides high level accuracy project design using Revit intelligent model-based technology

for the following benefits:


›  3D model is created as the basis of all associated 2D sectional drawings, which are updated dynamically for changes

   of 3D model.

›  BIM for reinforced concrete incl. detailed 3D reinforcement design and report to Excel for quantities calculation.

›  Detailed modelling of prestressing tendons  incl. recess, anchorage head, bursting reinforcement and so on.


On the same time, ICDAS automates also LusasCOB.cmd file to be imported in Lusas for the FEM model (based on parametric input from Excel file). The following automations are currently coded for LusasCOB.cmd file


›  Geometric points, lines, surfaces as the Revit geometry model

›  Shell elements represented concrete deck with 1m step along the bridge alignment

›  Single load cases on bridge for pedestrian bridges, road bridges and railway bridges

›  Smart combinations of single load cases, and envelopes of the smart combinations in SLS and ULS according to

   Eurocodes and National Annexes.


ICDAS COB provides three types of concrete cross section, either massive slab deck, box-girder or prefabricated

I-Beams and T-Beams combining with concrete topping. The bridge alignment can be curved or double curved. Refer Model Examples.

There are further three options to create bridge in ICDAS COB, either Revit+Lusas, Revit Generic or Revit+Dynamo, respectively. The last two options are special develop for almost any geometry of concrete bridge along any alignment of the bridge BIM model, whereas Option1 is also including FEM model for some restrictions of bridge geometry. The three options can be combined and start from Revit family file as summarized below.


Table: The three options for automation of concrete bridges


Alignment & cross section

ICDAS Excel input

Option 1






Required software

   ICDAS COB 2022.00R

   Revit 2022

   Lusas Bridge V19 (also previous version)

Option 1 is powerful when the bridge alignment is rectilinear or circular arc. Both of Revit and Lusas models are automated concurrently.


From COB 2018.02R ICDAS automate Revit bridge deck also from XYZ coordinate of alignment, which can be a combination

of rectilinear lines, circular arcs, clothoid or any curved lines needed for the road geometry.


The XYZ-Points list in global coordinates will be reset at the first point P1(0,0,0) in both of Revit and Lusas models. A global point on deck will be enter in Revit at Project Base Point.



Bearings, piers, foundations and piles family files *.rfa can be loaded into Revit project *.rvt file from ICDAS libraries. Note

that a family file *.rfa can also be a project file. I.e. you can

load family file1.rfa into family file2.rfa into project file *.rvt.


3D reinforcement & varying cross section

Free Form Rebar Distribution from Revit 2018.1 allow the user to create rebar in 3D views by selecting the concrete faces to which the rebars are aligned.

ICDAS COB automations are currently available for massive slab deck with the same cross section along alignment.

For box-deck and varying cross sections along the bridge alignment you can easily follow ICDAS REVIT BRIDGE MANUAL to create bridge within a short time, incl. bearings, piers, foundations and piles from ICDAS libraries.

Lusas model

'LusasCSB.cmd'. Only for rectilinear or circular arc alignment.


You need to create the underpass corridor.


Input for Revit and Lusas model for massive deck with 4 for 6-bottom-lines examples are in sheet Bridge and STL.


For prestressing deck the cables curve are configurated in sheet CableCurve, which will be copied in Lusas > Bridge tab > Prestress Wizard manually.



There is special input for bridge deck with  prefabricated TT-elements combining with concrete topping for Lusas model (as Additional features)



Option 2

ICDAS Generic

Model Creation



Required software


as in Option1.

On December 2018, ICDAS Generic Model Creation (ICDAS GEN) has replaced Revit Civil Structures extension in Option 2 for concrete bridges, as Autodesk has stop releasing this extension and also Bridge Module since 2018. ICDAS GEN automates any geometry of concrete  bridge along any alignment in Revit using workflow InfraWorks-Civil3D-Revit-InfraWorks. The bridge is uploaded on aerial map InfraWorks cloud services cf. BIM+GIS integration. 

INPUT GEN Excel.xlsm’ is Excel input for ICDAS GEN to create BIM model in Revit only. The input rules are similar to any other ICDAS model.


Input for Lusas FEM model is as described in the Option 1, but for rectilinear or circular arc alignment only.


Option 3



in Revit







Required software


as in Option1, and

   all latest packages of Dynamo for Bridges outlined

   in ICDAS Dynamo Manual 2018.01

Dynamo needs (X, Y, Z) points for RoadTopLeft, RoadTopRight and RoadTopCenter needed. This corridor points are created from Civil3D/Bentley for the bridge overpass.


Global coordinate is OK.


Bearings, piers, foundations and piles loaded to project from ICDAS library using ICDAS Method. 


3D reinforcement & varying cross section

›   3D reinforcement OK with Dynamo scripts.

›   The deck cross section is constant along the bridge alignment,

     and only massive deck is available pt. COB 2018.00R.



›   You need to install Dynamo, study the flow of data, and

     where to change the input in ICDAS Manual.

›   This method allows many input of corridors. For a selected

    corridor, the bridge deck immediately will be created. This

    method is fastest for complicated alignment which needed to

    adjust during the project.

Bridge Corridor created from Civil3D must be stored in Excel sheet Bridge Corridor of ICDAS input.


Inputs for Lusas model are as described in the 1nd option.

123456789_123456789_1123456789 Updated 11-08-2023


ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   
E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169