S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

  Arch Bridges Software

Model Description
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS ARB 2024.00R 

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Arch Bridge Model

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

Basis of Design &


Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality

Case Study and 



Welcome to software for automatic creation of Arch Bridges, ICDAS ARB


This section (and sections on the left menu) is a brief introduction to working with automatic model creation

of Arch Bridge. It describes the basic methodology and is not contained all ICDAS tools and descriptions.

All examples are generic for worldwide use and do not conform to specific company standards. Refer to a

ICDAS licence for more details on all parameters and guides to your project.

To automate geometry and analysis models, you need licence for the following software


§      ICDAS ARB 2024.00R

§      Revit 2024 (and back to 2018)

§      Lusas Bridge V20 (also on previous version)

§      Input Excel or normal text file. For Excel both of format *.xlsx

      and *.xls are available, (*.xlsx with 1048576Rows*16384Columns).

      Alternatively, NotePadd++ is recommended for text input (freeware code editor). 

To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVEyou need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

(or better) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.


ICDAS REVIT BRIDGE*.rvt template is needed. Currently only EU cross sections are added in Revit families

folders. For user outside of EU, the user-defined cross sections are useful  for numbers defined in ICDAS



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Figure: Revit automatic steel connection.

Figure: Revit (Left) and Lusas (Right) automatic models creations.


FigureAdvance Steel automatic connection.


Geometry model


ICDAS ARB create geometry model automatically in Revit from Excel (or text) input file. Levels of all hangers at the

arch are also automatically layout at all elevation views.  Once 3D geometry model is obtained in Revit, the user can

create all 2D sections for drawing dimensions. The bridge is created in relative coordinate at origin (0,0,0) for both of

Revit and Lusas models. Once the absolute coordinates are know, the user can specify it at Project Base Point in Revit

Floor Plan Site View. All created 2D drawings and sheets will be updated accordantly. See link on the left for further


Steel structural connection


See Revit 2018 New Steel Connections.



Analysis model


When create geometry model in Revit (by run ICDAS add-ins in Revit) a Lusas*.cmd file is also created. Import this

file in Lusas, the user will obtain analysis model (FEM) created automatically. The FEM model is also included loads

on bridge in case they are activated in input (the first UDL is non zero).



Cross sections


Steel Frame deck require many sizes of cross sections. ICDAS compare libraries of cross sections from Revit (USA)

and Lusas (UK). Both have predefined EU, Australian and Canadian cross sections including other countries standard.

However, many EU cross sections of large sizes in Lusas do not found in Revit families. ICDAS has established these

families in template ICDAS REVIT BRIDGE*.rvt in accordance with Lusas FEM. Thus, by running ICDAS add-ins in

Revit, both of Revit and Lusas model will apply the same cross sections for creation of geometry and analysis models.



Load model


Automatic loads creation free your time to define and assign loads on bridge. Further, single loadcases, basis
combinations, envelope of single loadcases, envelope of basis combinations, smart combinations and final envelope
of smart combinations in Lusas are all automatically created. It is ready for you to analyse and document the bridge

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Updated 11-08-2023


ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169 