S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1 Parametric Buildings (Revit Add-ins FRBL) 

Model description

ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS FRBL 2025.00R

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FRBL Model Examples 

Model description  




BIM model


Analysis model


Landscape model


ICDAS Basis of Design


Workflow of Software


Additional features


Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality


Trial Version




Welcome to ICDAS Add-Ins for automatic creation of Parametric

Buildings (FRBL model).


FRBL stands for Front, Right, Back and Left side of a building. FRBL

model enables you to create any curved building (facades), and

any design of internal rooms (from Version 2016.01R). It helps you

to design buildings with different purposes like parcel house, low-

rise(curved facades) or high-raise buildings (multi-stories). They

can be a simple villa or advanced design of hotel, office, conference,

hospital, exhibition centre and so on. ICDAS parametric buildings

fulfils ICT regulation from The Danish Building & Property Agency

for digital construction with exchanged IFC format.


This section (and linked sections on the left) will give you some

overviews for working with automatic models creation. It  highlights

some basic methodologies of ICDAS but not included all descriptions.

Please refer to an ICDAS subscription for more details. Note also that

some examples are generic for worldwide use and do not conform to

specific company standards.


To run FRBL 2025.00R, the following software are needed on your



›  ICDAS FRBL 2025.00R

›  ICDAS Roof Truss Construction 2025.00R

›  Revit 2025

›  Lusas Civil & Structural V21 (also on previous version,

      if analysis model desired)

›  Input in Excel or text format (NotePad++ freeware text/code


To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVEyou need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (or better) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.

To run ICDAS Add-Ins in Revit, click Add-Ins > External Tools and

run an ICDAS Add-Ins to execute data from your input file. Press

Ctrl+Z to undo an action, modify the input and run add-ins again.

FRBL models are satisfied ICT regulation from The Danish Building & Property Agency about digital construction using object-oriented 3D building models and exchanged IFC format. Refer ICT announcement for more details in Danish.

Below is the list of ICDAS Add-Ins functions.


Figure: Example of single floor villa



Add-Ins functions in FRBL

Revit > Add-Ins > External Tools

The above functions will perform automations in Revit depended on parameters given in Excel input.
They are described in short below.

INPUT FRBL Excel.xlsm

Open the Excel input.


ICDAS FRBL User's Manual

Step by step input description for the tutorial model installed in subscription.   


ICDAS FRBL Family Images Catalogue

Contain over 300 images and type numbers of family files for walls, doors, windows, floors, columns, railings, furniture, planting and so on that you can use for your model. Enter the type numbers of the above components in the Excel file then you will get it in the template ICDAS D2021.rvt. You can also use your own Revit project template but it is restricted in the family files you have loaded in the project. You can of course also create your own user-defined numbers for your loaded families (unlimited). We will implement that for you when you have an ICDAS subscription.


ICDAS FRBL Material Images Catalogue

Overview of Revit & 3ds Max materials for all components ready for selection? It includes also path of materials in

C:\Program Files (x86)* and in C:\ICDAS*. The manual shows image of each material and its resolution for fitting to

a specific model.


ICDAS FRBL Create Walls

Creation of external walls in Front, Right, Back and Left side in any Revit view. It is best to design one side a time

without door/window by option DWF=DWR=DWB=DWL=0.


ICDAS FRBL Create Dimensions

Creation of dimension for each external wall along the Front, Right, Back and Left side.


ICDAS FRBL Create Internal Front Walls

Creation of internal wall FX and FY along the Front side of the building, with/without door, in any Revit view.

An internal Front Room is automatically created when the external and internal walls form a closed contour.


ICDAS FRBL Create Internal Right Walls

Creation of internal wall RX and RY along the Right side of the building, with/without door, in any Revit view.

An internal Right Room is automatically created when the external and internal walls form a closed contour.


ICDAS FRBL Create Internal Back Walls

Creation of internal wall BX and BY along the Back side of the building, with/without door, in any Revit view.

An internal Back Room is automatically created when the external and internal walls form a closed contour.



ICDAS FRBL Create Internal Left Walls

Creation of internal wall LX and LY along the Left side of the building, with/without door, in any Revit view.

An internal Left Room is automatically created when the external and internal walls form a closed contour.


ICDAS FRBL Create Any Internal Walls

Creation of any wall of every two points input for the start and the end of a wall, with/without door,

in any Revit view. Any wall can also be used as external wall e.g. on the top floor design.


ICDAS FRBL Create Beams and Columns

Creation of beams and columns for every two points input, on each level, in any Revit view.


ICDAS FRBL Create Floors

Creation of one floor using the wall curve at each level, no input needed for position, option FloorArea=0.

This option is standard for the structural storey partitions. Floors design by points are added to automate

any floor by input its points, its type, vertical offset and structural/non-structural option.


ICDAS FRBL Create Roof

Creation of a roof using the wall curve on top level, no input needed for position, option RoofArea=0.

Roofs design by points are added to automate any roof by input its points, its type, slope of angle and

vertical offset.


ICDAS FRBL Create DimFrontElevationSouth

Creation of dimensions of walls which are separated in the Front side. The dimensions are given in both of

horizontal and vertical directions, measured the distances from the edges of the wall to a door, a window

or a hole.


ICDAS FRBL Create DimRightElevationEast

Creation of dimensions of walls which are separated in the Right side. The dimensions are given in both of

horizontal and vertical directions, measured the distances from the edges of the wall to a door, a window

or a hole.


ICDAS FRBL Create DimBackElevationNorth

Creation of dimensions of walls which are separated in the Back side. The dimensions are given in both of

horizontal and vertical directions, measured the distances from the edges of the wall to a door, a window

or a hole.


ICDAS FRBL Create DimLeftElevationWest

Creation of dimensions of walls which are separated in the Left side. The dimensions are given in both of

horizontal and vertical directions, measured the distances from the edges of the wall to a door, a window

or a hole.


ICDAS FRBL Create Walls Schedule

There are three options for schedules of parameters of a wall

Schedule = 1: All walls in continued order (default)

Schedule = 2: All walls after element type

Schedule = 3: Filter walls with volume only

Open the schedule.html in Excel we can e.g. calculate the total price of façade external walls based on

standard price input. Together with Automatic Thermal Energy Report (TER) one can evaluates which

façade type and price matched a desired TER.


ICDAS FRBL Open and Save *.jpg in Paint

This function opens and resave a series of *.jpg images. The new size of an *.jpg reduces more than 50%

keeping the same resolution and quality of the origin. This function is useful for creation of animation with

thousands of *.jpg images in resolution 1920x1080 (1K) or higher.  


ICDAS Dynamo Manual

Manual for Dynamo graphs, scrips and input descriptions. The Dynamo files can be used on any ICDAS model,

or any existing Revit model as well.


Below are further descriptions of some add-ins.




Automatic Thermal Energy Report

The Thermal Energy Report creates automatically when you run “ICDAS FRBL Create Walls” from the add-ins above.

It reports U×A×DT for each wall on the Front, Right, Back and Left side of the building, where U is heat transfer

coefficient, A is area of wall and DT is the input of temperature difference between in and outside, and by level.

The wall area A is subtracted areas of door/window which are also computed on U×A×DT as shown in example below.

Thus, by redesign the building walls, doors and windows, the changes of geometry and/or material will lead to update

of the thermal energy report file automatically.


Figure: Automatic Thermal Energy Report through the external four sides Front, Right, Back and Left of the building-


Internal rooms design


§      Numbering of internal walls

§      Door and window can be assigned to any internal wall

§      Internal walls can be at any positions

§      Individual floor areas, also by level

§      Add other additional furniture than Revit libraries


Shows below the internal walls named F, R, L, A are for Front, Right, Left and Any, respectively (the Back

wall B are not designed in this model). The next index X or Y indicated to varying degrees direction of the

wall where X is horizontal axes (wall A does not use these indexes). The last number 1, 2, 3... helps us to

keep track on the modelled walls and the entered input. They can be turn off when finish.  


The individual floor areas allow us to design different materials of the floor on the same storey. Shows below

the three bathrooms & WC having the granite floors. The floor areas can be different from level to level

after the entered input, both of geometries and materials.

Figure: Automatic models creation, View Floor Plan0, See including furniture.



13 independent floor areas


There can be up to 13 independent floor areas designed at
each storey. The independent floor areas allow the users to
input different geometry, family type, and hereby material
for each of the 13 floor areas. These floor areas are also
independent from the one storey to the next. Using
parametric input, a such of design will keep overview with
automatic models creation, rather than manual work with
click, copy and modify. Further, by save the designed floor
areas, the users can fast generate the next for comparison.
Good administration of inputs will give the user many
opportunities to select relevant solution.


There can be more than 13 areas if so desired in the next

version of FRBL.




ICDAS creation on exisisting Revit model


Show below is ICDAS added objects to MT Højgaard existing model at the true Project Base Point. The ICDAS

objects are automated at project base point which is also the ICDAS origin point. This point is defined by

default in ICDAS at the lower left corner of the external Front wall F1. There are two options for ICDAS

creations on an existing model.


    Run directly on the existing model

    Run on a new Revit file then link to the existing model


In the first option, the users directly use the existing setup to document the additional objects in views and

sheets. The users can apply all ICDAS automatic functions to create Beams, Columns, “Any wall incl. door

and/or window”, Floors by Points, Roofs by Points, at any position on the existing model. Positions of these

objects are given from Project Base Point to the first point, then the relative distances to the next points.

In this option, the levels name Level0, Level1, Level2… may not be found in the existing model, since it will

be created by ICDAS for the new additions. Just rename them before you run ICDAS.


In the second option, the addition to the building(s) is created in a new Revit file. Then in the existing model

apply Revit link to get this addition file. This option works fast since it does not contain graphics of the existing



In both of options, the users need first to create at least an external front wall on each level of the new ICDAS
model for creation of Level0, Level1, Level2… which are needed for creation of all other objects. Just delete
these fictive walls after you are finished with the addition objects.

Figure: Example of ICDAS creation on existing MT Højgaard Revit model.

Updated 06-08-2023

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123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk  •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169