S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Cylinder Building Software

ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS CB 2024.00R


CB Models Example 

Model description  




BIM model


Analysis model


Landscape model


ICDAS Basis of Design


Workflow of Software


Additional features


Rendering & Animation


Trial Version




ICDAS supplies an add-ins software which causes Revit and Lusas to automate 3D models based on input

entered in an Excel file, or a text file (freeware Notepad++ recommended).


Both Excel and text input are equipped with expand/collapse functions helping you easily to keep overview

and focus only on the input you are working with. Further, with Excel input you can perform calculations in

other sheets, and link to sheet 1 for creation of the model. You can in this way keep many models input in

one Excel file as well. Only the model in sheet 1 is in interaction with Revit and Lusas.


You can even determine layout of the Excel input for a new model. It is a great advantage of using ICDAS

since you do not need training in new software user interface, in addition to Revit and Excel.


With ICDAS add-ins to your Revit, with a click you will get 3D elements automated in Revit, with positions,

dimensions and types written in the Excel file. You can undo Revit with Ctrl+Z, update the input in Excel

and automate the model again.


It is also possible to automate the planning time to build the construction (4D) and the price (5D) based on

the existing input for quantities, materials, dimensions and additional input for time rate of wages.

This feature introduces in ICDAS in agreements with the client.

Key input of ICDAS CB 2024.00R


Revit ICDAS D2024.00R.rvt (project file)

- nwalls, free number of vertical walls

- nfloors, free number of floors

- area of each floor as direct input

- height of each floor (level in Revit)

- radius rA to the inner facade wall A

- radius rC to the cylinder wall C

- typeW, default and user-defined types of walls in color 


- typeF, default and user-defined types of floors in color


- ndoors, number of doors divisible to nwalls.

- nwindows, number of windows divisible to nwalls.

- dType, default and user-defined types of doors in color


- wType, default and user-defined types of windows in

  color manual

- stairs position in floor plan


Revit Facade.rfa (family file)

- Inclining facade curtain glass wall


User-defined type is an unique parameter in ICDAS. It allows

one to create special type (family) of a wall, floor, door or

window with a name. In input give this name a number, e.g.

101. Then 101 can be used for walls, floors, doors or windows.

This procedure is outlined in step-by-step in ICDAS Family

Images Catalogue (e.g. Edit layers for an exterior wall, Insert

door in curtain wall and so on)


Show below is input examples for nwalls, Area, radius rA and
rC where nwalls=8 for the one, but 12 for the other. Cylinder
building and dimensions are created automatically.

Figure: INPUT CB Excel.xls





Area (m2)
Radius rA (mm)
Radius rC (mm)
123456789_123456789_1123456789123456789_12345678 123456789_123456789_1 123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234567

123456789_123456789_1123456789                          Figure: Example of Cylinder Building and Dimensions, Top view (Internal rooms not shown)

Updated 07-08-2023

123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169